
The popular Gamerisms

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Today I am goign to discuss a lot of what I call gamerisms, that is, logical fallacies and double standards gamers commonly use when describing games.

"I don't like this game or genre, but I just can't understand why people actually do this!"

Obviously you can see the fallacy here....Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Nobody truly seems to understand that phrase anymore, so lemme explain what it is....what you see as Twilight in game form is seen as fun to other people. So maybe people actually like different things? You know, games that don't have guns or gore or cock-measuring multiplayer? EXACTLY! DIFFERENT PEOPLE LIKE DIFFERENT THINGS!!!! Because I honestly think most FPSes are about as putrid and garbagey as Twilight yet there are a lotta people who don't agree with me and think the same about the games I play but they don't like because they don't taste the same.

The gaming market would just be utterly stagnant if everyone liked the same experimentations, no differing genres, and it'd more or less turn into 1983 where there's no diversity and they wouldn't make money except by repeating the same thing...of course they had to do that all the time.

"How can you NOT like this game?!"

I get this a lot. TVTropes calls it "Complaining about people not liking the show". Again, nobody understands that people actually like different things out there....Do you think we'd have more than just one genre with stuff that differs even WITHIN the genre itself if people didn't like different things?

"This game is gay despite that I've never actually seen more than the box art or promotional trailers."

This is a very popular gamerism done by haters of RPGs, "casual" games, RTSes, FPSes, and more or less any genre. Pick a genre you don't like. Pick a game that represents the genre. Automatically you can judge what the entire genre is like by playing that one game or just by trashing it. No exceptions - I see haters of every genre doing that.

EDIT: Thank you to carbondragon1093 for pointing out this hole!
Yes you can say it's similar...but the logic is that it's not just similar, but the exact same as that game you hate! Oh yes, like saying Team Fortress 2 is the exact same as Halo.

Now here's one reason why this is a logical on earth can you tell how "Good" a game is without having even played it?! If I were to outright say Call of Duty 5 was utter shit and stagnant garbage, a lot of people would be flaming me and telling me to play the game before bashing it. It's an argument that was done by haters of the game Night Trap. According to THEM, Night Trap was about capturing women and raping them. Yet had they even seen more of the game than the box art or the warning label, they'd know that whenever a girl gets captured, then you get a game over and that the object of the game is to save the girls. Yet when the creators asked if they even played it, said politicans said "I don't have to!".

"This game is crap and everyone who likes it is gay."

Another clear example of Fan haters where you're not allowed to like something and because there are plenty of stereotypes that exist about fans of that particular work, if you like it then you must be one of them.

The internet is such a magical device now isn't it? It allows us to measure people's real life from the stuff they like. I remember being called a yaoi fangirl for liking some animes yet anyone who knows me would say how much I detest yaoi and, most importantly, that I am MALE.

Whatever happened to actually liking something? I'm not the type who says that because I dislike Team Fortress 2 that everyone who plays it are jerks or cock-measurers or mic spammers, or that all PC gamers are so stuck-up that they need someone to tie their shoes. There are plenty of PC gamers who just play the PCs cause they don't wanna pay for consoles or handhelds.

"This game is the same so it sucks...OMG THEY CHANGED IT NOW IT SUCKS!"

A very popular trope coming from what people want of the fandom....This will lead into a later one.

"Gaming isn't a business! They just want to please us!"

Oh yeah right like gaming isn't a business....of course it is. Do you think that people will make an FPS set in the Colonial U.S. where your character is a warlock and fights primarily with magic and muskets when recycling World war 2 for the umpteenth time will make more money?

If gaming was about pleasing fans and not pleasing fans to make them pay, then we'd have a lot of cases where the game companies would actually lose money. Because producing expensive high-budget games that only fans would like isn't that good of a business model unless said fans will pay a lot of money for the game; or you are lucky like Valve to have fans who'll say a companion cube covered in shit with Freeman's face plastered on it is the best game of all time. You know that's why they try and "dumb it down for the masses", because they want to make money and I bet that even if Half Life 2 or Left 4 Dead didn't put food on Valve's table that they'd drop them like a moldy loaf of bread. If you're working in entertainment and are making money, then you're a sellout.

"This game is deserving of all praise it gets."

For starters, nothing is worth even half the hype it gets. Because this is what leads to massvie hype backlash and people who who avoid it because it's hyped and they don't want to play something for fear that it won't reach expectations and that their remains will fit in a thimble. You know what? I say this happens with any genre...and even the ones that I like. Even within the genres I like, I can count on one hand the amount of games I felt was worthy of the hype:
-Chrono Trigger
-The G-Mod
-Sly Cooper

And even then I was mostly being told by avid fans of Sly Cooper and it isn't exactly as mainstream as games like Mario are.

"It's alright for THIS Game/genre to do this but not alright for THIS Game/genre to do the exact same thing!"

Yeah even I've done this. Apparently, Grinding and repetitive gameplay is alright so long as it's PvP grind...and even then it's not allowed in some MMOGs.

"I KNOW quality and everything I like is good...everything else is crap!"

Ah the stating your opinion as fact.

"Because I like this genre or don't like this genre, every game made here is overrated!"

I don't think I need to state what I think about this else it'd be redundant.

"All popular games are overrated!"

"All games made by this company are overrated."

By now stating what I think is redundant...DOH I JUST SAID IT! >.<

"_____ is the only game worth playing on the *Format*"

Sadly it happens a lot. Yeah maybe it's only worth it to you but there may be plenty of people who're interested in games other than that.

"This is ruining the game! Even though I don't have to actually use it!"

Remember that shitstorm after the "Game plays itself" announcements? The solution is as easy as one, two three!

Step one: Load the game.
Step two: DON'T. TOGGLE. AUTO. MODE.</i></u>
Step three: Enjoy the game your own way and let people enjoy the game their own ways like you did back in the nineties.

For that matter you might as well complain about Gamefaqs and strategy guides and people who have played the game. And that you may argue that you're not a true gamer without having discovered the stuff. Apparently seeing the content and experiencing it isn't fun, it's not fun unless you're having a challenge to it. There's such a thing as hardcore kinda fun and hardcore tedious. I will be flamed for this but Megaten constantly crosses the line into Hardcore Tedious.
Watch me get flamed.
© 2009 - 2024 HerbalDrink
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andar90's avatar
This was awesome. I've seen every one of these at different times. So frustrating. One of my favorites was the maelstrom of hatred over the linearity of FFXIII-yes it was very linear, but that doesn't mean that the game sucked. The linearity works (in my opinion) with the game's story and gameplay. Not every game needs to be an mmo (why does everything need to be wide open these days? I hate that). And yet, Uncharted 2 gets praised by everybody (and don't get me wrong,I loved it) and its extremely linear....:? Excuse me? It's okay for one game but not for another?

Sorry for the wall of text and nice work. :)